Partner Coaching


Humans are made for collaborating

Let’s use Complementary Strengths of each partner for a stronger team


Partner Coaching – This is a great option for personal or professional partners. Partners are coached in the Top 5 themes, each taking a turn at recognizing his/her signature themes while the other listens and comments on the partner’s theme in action. Intrinsic needs and motivations of each strength are introduced. This is two sessions of 2.5 hours, designed for partners to discover both themselves and their partner, with each one utilizing a session discovering his/her signature themes while receiving feedback from his/her partner. Complementary themes are discussed for greater understanding and development as a team. 

Power of 2 Coaching – Personal or professional partners who have completed the Top Five Partner Coaching are then coached in the Full 34. Utilizing the Full 34 Themes of Talent the coach will assist the individual in recognizing her signature themes, understanding her  supportive themes and identifying her non-conforming themes and if they are blind spots or weaknesses and how to utilize personal strengths, or others (particularly a partner) to minimize. This second session group continues on with the top themes to determine where the individual determines is the break between signature themes (naturally occurring), supportive themes (drawn on situationally) and the non-conforming themes (ones with which the individual does not relate) to complete the remainder of the 34 themes. Eight elements of a powerful partnership are discussed for greater understanding and development as a team.


Additional suggested coaching sessions:

Leaks and Plugs

Domains of Leadership

Basements and Balconies of Strengths


·      Life balance

·      Understanding partners and friends

·      Parenting children with different talents – they are there at an early age J There is an assessment called Clifton StrengthsExplorer ® for children 8-14 that utilizes ten theme areas.


·      Career growth

·      Career change

·      Meeting work/career goals

She started as my mentor of a first generation student going to college, evolving into an inspirational coach for my professional development.  I was blessed to have experienced but also witness her passion for coaching out teams and partnerships with the students so that they can have the best experience they can have at the University.  Mary shared her knowledge of what I might need to know, preparing me for the next steps.

Charita Thompson

University of Colorado Denver-B.A. in Business Administration

University Admissions Counselor